Happy New Year - NM4OP 11

Yes, I am late.  But it's still a new year.  As I looked back on the year in review, I was glad to note that all the songs in my top 100 playlist on Spotify were bands I discovered last year.  So, if nothing else, this little project has dramatically expanded my listening range.  Hopefully, it has done the same.

This playlist is topped by a recent discovery Sakuran-Zenson a Japanese punk band very much in the style of one of my favorite bands Thee Michele Gunn Elephant - pictured above.  The lead singer and some others from TMGE have started a new band called The Birthday.  TMGE is like The Clash and Sonic Youth had a Japanese baby.  

If you're a member, click on the playlist link below, then click the Follow On link to choose your streaming service. If you're not a member, subscribe today! Please forward this email to all who might be interested!